International House
of Creativity…
Dare to Dream!

Dan Brothwell
Mojobomb Owner
Talent Management
If you’re a budding new artist on the scene or a seasoned pro who’s ready to conquer the world, why not get in touch and see how Mojobomb can help you on your way. What’s more, if you’ve been given a Mojobomb business card all our services may be free to you so please get in touch.
Music Production & Promotion
Mojobomb has a great history or producing world class audio and working with some of the biggest names in the industry. Talk to us about taking your music or band to the next level.
Video, Design & Photography
Information now has to tell a visual story to be captivating and media rich is the new buzz. Make sure you’re visually engaging by talking to us about photography and video production.
Domains & E-Presence Management
Your own internet domain and a well established e-presence is a must for anyone who’s anyone in the 21st century. Make sure you’ve secured your small corner of the internet by talking to us today.
Website Design
If you have something to show off to the world make sure you have a great website to aid your journey. From band sites to blogs, we’ve got you covered.
Industry Experience
Sometimes a gentle nudge in the right direction is all that’s needed to help you succeed and often knowing the right person to approach can be a big part of the battle. With our industry experience and network of contacts you can be sure you’re in safe hands.